There was an old lady from Macon,
In whose oven, buns were always bakin'.
She'd boff and she'd toff,
And then say, "Bugger off!"
For she loved makin' bacon.
--- Anon

When trying to make Matzo Brie,
The eggs you must break 'fore you fry.
Add salt to taste
Else they will go to waste,
And another batch you'll just have to try.
--- Arden

You see, she often does spread
Peanut butter on toast or plain bread.
This combo deserves
Some raspberry preserves,
But she uses the Mayo instead!
--- Anon

There was a young lady named Bessie
Who welcomed the chef, neat and dressy.
She did not mind his meat
For she thought it a treat,
But she felt that his gravy was messy.
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-1950

A diner became rather flustered,
When all of his resources he mustered
To sort out his sauces
On the various courses,
And discovered the mustard was custard.
--- Dick Hedger

Please consider well-born Molly Sprague
Whose survival skills are somewhat vague.
Since she's lived all her life
Free of purpose or strife,
Never has Molly coddled an egg.
--- Loren Fitzhugh P0105

Our new chef is David, he's Danish;
His girlfriend is Helga, she's Swedish;
She says, "He's no wee gun,
Does laps with a big one --
If he keeps it up, we'll be finish!"
--- Anon

A good cook from the city of Lyme
Tried to finish a meal by lunchtime.
She started to dice
And chop the last spice,
But alas, then she ran out of thyme.
--- Kirk Miller

It seems Ronald chose Caspar as host
For the new cooking school coast to coast,
And his cookout so grand
Will embrace the whole land,
As together we make a fine roast.

(President Ron Reagan and Caspar Weinberger)
--- Albin Chaplin

It has always been said at Upgate
That the profit from mustard is great.
It's not what you eat
With your cheese or your meat,
But what's left behind on the plate.
--- Archie

On her westward trek Mrs. Jermain
Used her Teflon on the wagon train,
And it simplified things
To do Buffalo Wings,
On a small campstove fueled by propane.
--- Loren Fitzhugh P0401

The ranchwoman got out her jars,
And peeled and pickled for hours,
Which made her so tired,
She thought she expired,
But revived after nine whiskey sours.
--- Cow Sheep Petersen Rhodes

There was an Old Man of the North,
Who fell in a basin of broth;
But a laudable Cook
Fished him out with a hook,
But he ruined the soup with his froth.
--- Edwardian Leer 088

When under the covers I dove,
Expecting a great treasure trove.
I searched for nutrition
Instead of coition,
And sauted your cream on the stove.
--- Jim Weaver Collection

From the chef of Annapolis Royal
Comes this recipe: "Baster her in oil,
Gently increase the heat
Till she's tender and sweet,
And then serve, en brochette, at the boil."
--- Keith MacMillan 27a

There was a young lady of Sooke
Who knew every trick in the book.
I don't mean to say
She was loose in the hay,
I just mean that she knew how to cook.
--- John E Mayhood P0900

A gourmet's time is well spent,
Choosing legumes ESCULENT,
Like cassoulet pot,
Or chili quite hot;
All bound to bring sighs of content.
--- Chris Papa

Worry not, I won't leave you bereft;
Juicy tidbits are always left.
I'm not adverse to share
In my bountiful fare.
At slicing and dicing, I'm deft.
--- Anon

My thought rate is really sedentary;
So the answer's perhaps elementary.
How long does it take
A slow cooker to make
A meal? I guess it's eventually.
--- Tiddy Ogg

The stock at Moish Cohen's, a deli,
Was nicked by a thief for his belly.
In desperation he chose
His small cafe to close,
So he sold it. Now Cohen's Mick Kelly's.
--- Arthur Pattaffy

Hey waiter, my soup's got a twig in!
Please go, without zaggin' or ziggin',
And fetch the branch manager,
It's to your adavantage, sir,
Or your grave they may soon be a-diggin'!
--- Observer

The misogynist chef name of Pitt
Said, "For women I care not a bit,
But a roast I'll prepare
At their garden affair,
And I'll spend my time turning the spit."
--- Al Chaplin P0302

I dare not take a look in my fridge;
I can open it only a smidge.
Last night when I looked
For some stuff I had cooked,
I felt something inside there go "squidge".
--- Peter Wilkins

Behold the delights of sweet Nina;
Cooks flapjacks to a golden patina.
She wakes you at dawn,
Serving tea on the lawn,
Always with a gentle demeanor.
--- Jessie Gunnard

Gourmet isn't something I crave.
In the kitchen I'm not one to slave.
My best palate pleaser,
Comes out of the freezer,
And goes into the microwave.
--- Anon

The moral of this little line
Is to know where and when not to dine.
Lest I bore you, I fear,
I'll end my tale here.
It's beginning to sound asinine.
--- Terry Greenwalt P0302

Onion, carrot, and ground fenugreek;
One game fowl, dry hung for a week.
White wine, pepper and salt,
Teaspoon vinegar, malt;
Bake and serve on a bed of braised leek.
--- Anon

There was an old lady of Brooking,
Who had a great genius for cooking.
She could bake sixty pies
All about the same size,
And tell which was which without looking.
--- Anon

A beggar who hollers, "Baksheesh!"
Will hardly expect a pastiche
Or a mixture of gook
From tyros who cook
A hodgepodge and call it a quiche.
--- R J Winkler P8407

Absent-minded I am to a fault.
Where the hell did I put the damned salt?
And the pepper is where?
Did it vanish in air?
Where's the beef? Dinner's ground to a halt!
--- Naomi J Kahn

A short-order cook, Dominique,
Could not bear the slightest critique.
When her burgers grew mold,
She stiffened and told
The complainant, "They are antique!"
--- Emmanuel Lamprecht

My wife's a good cook, on the whole,
But I think she has flipped, bless her soul.
She boiled up those squares,
You fit on armchairs.
Result: antimacassarole.
--- Tiddy Ogg

There was an old lady of Hake,
Who said "I will bake a fine cake";
She threw in some stones,
And a bag of old bones,
Three trowels, two forks, and a rake.
--- Donall O Ceochiin

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There once was a gourmet whose waffle
Was hard and incredibly awful.
He was using concrete
Instead of whole wheat.
His recipe should be unlawful.
--- Tillmanator

There once was a chef in Paris,
Who piddled in a BAIN-MARIE
And with smile sublime
Said, "It sure saves time,
As I cook with the other hand free."
--- Chris Papa

There was an old maid of Van Nuys,
Who went crazy from making mud pies.
She would fill them with farts,
And pickled beef hearts,
And bake them between her fierce thighs.

(Take the beans, they'll beef hearts tomorrow. - McW)
--- L0903

To the Moose Cafe we retreated,
Where the owners made sure we were seated
To a spot with good views.
The food got good reviews.
We stayed till our food was depleted.
--- Hilde na Baeg

Mother, Mother, come out and look,
You've let the oatmeal overcook.
Lots of sugar and cream,
Won't make it better seem,
Because you're reading that damn book!
--- William K Alsop Jr

Before Penny and Jim's marriage day,
She called him a Greek god. Now they say
That she has begun
To treat him like one--
With burnt offerings three times a day.
--- A N Wilkins P8309

I'm told by a nurse, name of Norma,
Who acts like a trusted informer,
About poor Dan Murray,
Who's been sniffing curry...
And now the poor lad's in a korma.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Curry's a very fine food;
To eat through the nose, rather rude.
The patient of Norma
Is deserving his Korma
And put me in a rather ill mood.
--- Nawahl

Lamont made one hell of a stew;
It was zesty to swallow and chew;
But then later, at night,
With a menacing might,
It wreaked havoc with old number 2.
--- Cap'n Bean P0410

Famed Research Dietitian, LePlace,
Was stripped of his Chef's hat in disgrace.
His research nutritional
Was non-traditional.
He'd faked his Bouilla and data baisse.
--- Loren C Fitzhugh P9712

An old Irish chef named McGrew
Enticed a young waitress to screw.
While trying to mount her,
He fell off the counter,
Right into the Mulligan stew.
--- David Miller

A statesman who lived near the Isis
Remarked to his cook in a crisis:
"This meat is so tough,
It is more than enough
To give a gas oven gastritis!"
--- Linda Marsh Coll

He caters for Popes and for Nuns,
Protesters and men bearing guns.
But soon they all beat
A hasty retreat,
Because he just gives them the runs.
--- Anon

My wife makes an interesting stew,
That will stick to your ribs when you're through,
To add to the taste
She'll use library paste,
And to thicken, she'll use Elmer's glue.
--- Bob Birch P0410

Mrs Perfesser took a couple of rocks,
Which (nearsighted) she took for ham hocks.
She whipped up a soup,
With onions and goop,
But it tasted a bit like gym socks.
--- Anon

His sight was so feeble and blurred,
That into his porridge he stirred
A handful of hay,
And a dollop of clay,
And other things odd and absurd.
--- William K Alsop P9211

A careless young bride name of White,
The dinner had burned in a fright.
Soon her husband was due
And she cried in a stew,
"I wonder what he'll eat tonight?"
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-1301

In the kitchen, poor Richard was caught,
And he said, with his hand in the pot,
"Though I did bake a cake,
What I miss -- I miss steak --
But a cook -- this for certain I'm not!"
--- Albin Chaplin 3024-2947

A truly incredible ape
Took flour, some gin and a grape,
And whipped them to mousse,
Then fried to produce
A truly inedible crepe.
--- Virge

No master, The Clam Bake's chef Patch;
Don't gulp his poor wares down your hatch;
His frog legs are gimpy;
His scampi are skimpy;
His fish you would swear last year's catch.
--- Armand E Singer 87

"I'm going to cook dinner", said my guy,
But he found that his recipe was shy.
I said it would fit,
If he'd just double it.
He said, "The oven is not that high"!
--- Anon

Now my friend is realy the most!
But on cooking, he gave up the ghost.
He can't make a batch,
Of anything by scratch.
But he says," 'Least I can boil toast."
--- Anon

I knew a guy once just as bad;
His idea of cooking was sad.
He boiled up some beans
Without opening them it seems,
And now with beans his ceiling is clad.
--- Anon

He once a strawberry milk shake
In the blender decided to make.
So he put it all in,
Switched it on for a spin
WITHOUT the lid. A mistake!
--- Anon

With these experiences he is reeling,
(I think I know the feeling).
I can tell what he's eaten
Grilled, whisked or beaten
By the remnants that's left on the ceiling!
--- Anon

A guy became really a curser
When his chef burned his food, but much worser,
He took the chef's life,
Caught him down on his wife.
"You fucked up my eating and vice-versa!"
--- Theo Heller P9408

There once was a young Mr Tate;
Big juicy mushrooms he ate.
One far-away cousin
Once sent him a dozen.
The funeral's tomorrow at eight.
--- Anon

The Dowager Duchess of Drake
Collapsed at the height of a wake;
She found strength to shout,
As they bore her bod out:
'I should never have taken the cake.'
--- Arthur Deex P0303

The Dowager Duchess of Bream
Collapsed at the height of a dream;
She found strength to whine
As they bore her supine:
'I should never have taken the cream.'
--- Arthur Deex P0303

The Dowager Duchess of Snoot
Collapsed at the height of a toot;
She found strength to cry
As they bore her on high:
'I should never have taken the fruit.'
--- Arthur Deex P0303

Forgetful young Marianne Groves,
Bought meat, veg, fish, fruit, and two loaves,
Forgetting the spice.
We all think it's nice,
To see Marianne with no cloves.
--- Tiddy Ogg

Been reading a cookery book
'Bout trussing up poultry to cook;
While here on the floor,
With his eye on the door,
Is that turkey called Gobbledy-gook.
--- Peter Wilkins

I had him last Christmas, as well,
And chased him around for a spell;
I told him he ought
To be cooked but he fought
Me and dammit! He bit me to hell!
--- Peter Wilkins